Mother Moon’s Menace

Space town is full of creatures; ones like you and even ones like me. Every creature is just clinging to mamma and daddy and sister too.

One’s eyes are green lollipop smooth and shimmery, like the mermaid movies they’re allowed to watch on weekend mornings.

This creature believes in ballads and summer solstice’s mystical way. She speaks to the starships, meteor quiet, and the moon like they’re reflecting her molten features in a mirror.

They whimper to her: I’ll protect, coo until your tears turn the color of your cheeks, simmering like summer crops on your mother’s stovetop. The moon continues her whimpering until the creature’s lids hang heavy and sloppy and sleepy and golden. The summer has loved her arms and legs and left her beaming with a tan tone not unlike the damp soot she rests her chest upon.

“Sweet one, sweet creature who will never belong to me,” cries the moon, “I remember the day you sang your first howl. How pure and pained and ruthless it was to me. I will never stop gazing on you, ruminating over your primrose cheeks or your royal brown braids. Your careless eyes will ever be the prize of my cratered corners and bombed out center".”

The moon is absolutely subdued with affection. Her gray mind thinks on how fearful it would be if any harm fell upon her sweetest creature, who will never belong to her, ever.

And with this she rolls her rotten eyes, knowing she will remain a far off parent, an ancient and willing grandmother, never truly appreciated or congratulated. Her coarse skin and serpentine gaze restricts her to the class of a distant cousin, even a forgotten acquaintance.

Creature falls asleep in the sweetest dream - ever protected by mother moon.


The One When They Travel to Italy


Baby Blue Blues